4D Impact: Smash Barriers Like a Smart Church by Olu Brown Paperback Book


Rent 4D Impact: Smash Barriers Like a Smart Church

Author: Olu Brown


Publisher: Abingdon Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - Leadership

Retail Price: $16.99

Pages: 144


4D Impact: Smashing Barriers Like a Smart Church takes a critical and inspirational look at four aspects of 21st century church ministry: Technology, Hospitality, Worship, and Systems. Each of these aspects is key for developing vital churches and healthy church leaders. The author uses real life lessons from the 11-year journey of Impact Church, which is currently #5 out of the 100 fastest growing United Methodist congregations in the United States, and examples from churches and the market place, to inform, equip, and inspire the reader. 

4D Impact offers:

a diagnostic tool in each chapter to determine the current health and status of the reader’s church,real time inspiration from practitioners who are experiencing health and growth,guidance for readers to discern their level of fitness for their church assignment—is the leader/reader well-matched, or mismatched?, andguidance for readers to determine if their church has reached a point of irreversible decline.

From the 4D Impact Introduction:

"I have been blessed to serve as the founding and lead pastor of what one of [the] original twenty-five leaders called a 'movement.' Twelve years ago we didn't set out to plant another United Methodist church—we envisioned a movement...I have learned a few things about church health and growth from my own experience as a church planner and from the many churches across the country that our team has supported and consulted with over the years. I have learned that the capital-C Church is full of grace, and I've learned that hard work and sacrifice are necessary for a local church to be vital and growing...

This book is for all churches and church leaders seeking to become vital and growing, or to remain vital and growing. This book may challenge you—I hope in a healthy way. It centers on four key principles for developing healthy and growing churches that smash barriers: Technology, Hospitality, Worship, and Systems. I am a living witness to these principles. As we say at Impact Church, you aren't called to lead an ordinary church; you are called to lead a movement."

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