Be a Direct Selling Superstar: Achieve Financial Freedom for Yourself and Others as a Direct Sales Leader by Mary Christensen Paperback Book


Rent Be a Direct Selling Superstar: Achieve Financial Freedom for Yourself and Others as a Direct Sales Leader

Author: Mary Christensen


Publisher: AMACOM/American Management Association

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Marketing - Multilevel

Retail Price: $16.00

Ages: 18 - NA


Direct selling is booming. It's no surprise when you consider the benefits of launching a direct selling business-low start-up costs, strong earning potential, and a flexible work schedule. Currently an estimated 15.6 million people are involved in direct selling in the U.S. alone - and more than 100 million worldwide. Mary Christensen has empowered and equipped thousands of direct sellers to succeed, and in her newest book, "Be a Direct Selling Superstar", she delivers an all-encompassing guide to building, leading, and managing a profitable direct sales organization. Readers will learn how to: set goals; eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors; market their products and business opportunity effectively; communicate persuasively; build a committed network of sellers; be an influential leader; create a clear roadmap for others to follow; inspire and lead a wide range of personalities; maintain work-life balance; and, manage their time and their money wisely. For corporate refugees, ambitious entrepreneurs, mompreneurs, and anyone else looking for a new source of income - this inspiring master plan explains step by step how to achieve long-term success in direct selling.

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