Black Box by Amos Oz Paperback Book


Rent Black Box

Author: Amos Oz

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Mariner Books

Published: Aug 2012

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $16.99

Pages: 320


Seven years after their divorce, Ilana breaks the bitter silence with a letter to Alex, a world-renowned authority on fanaticism, begging for help with their rebellious adolescent son, Boaz. One letter leads to another, and so evolves a correspondence between Ilana and Alex, Alex and Michel (Ilana's Moroccan husband), Alex and his Mephistophelian Jerusalem lawyer—a correspondence between mother and father, stepfather and stepson, father and son, each pleading his or her own case.

The grasping, lyrical, manipulative, loving Ilana has stirred things up. Now, her former husband and her present husband have become rivals not only for her loyalty but for her son's as well.

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