Bookings When You Have No Bookings: Direct Sales/Network Marketing and Beyond Guide to Keeping your Calendar Full by Heather Pich Paperback Book


Rent Bookings When You Have No Bookings: Direct Sales/Network Marketing and Beyond Guide to Keeping your Calendar Full

Author: Heather Pich


Publisher: Wise Media Group

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Marketing - Multilevel

Pages: 82


If you could have a calendar filled with bookings/appointments on a regular basis would you be more excited, feel more confident and more in control of your business or your professional sales career? If you could find a solution for every roadblock that a possible client/customer/hostess could give you, would you take it, memorize it and use it on a regular basis?

(Of course you would!!) So we're all in agreement that if you could do those things mentioned you could become more successful in your business/sales and customer relations.

Well guess what? This is exactly what we will be discussing as we go along in this book. We will figure out the correct thought process and steps that will allow you to get all the bookings/appointments on your calendar that you want and need. What can we do to create a calendar filled with opportunity and reality? It's all up to you!

We will be discussing solutions that work for you to get your booking/appointment calendar filled the way you want it, plus so much more.

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