Chesterton Times Two: The Napoleon of Notting Hill & the Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton Paperback Book


Rent Chesterton Times Two: The Napoleon of Notting Hill & the Man Who Was Thursday

Author: G. K. Chesterton


Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Christian - Classic & Allegory

Retail Price: $14.95

Pages: 336


G. K. Chesterton is already a staple in the Hendrickson list with Orthodoxy and Heretics in the Hendrickson Christian Classics series. Known primarily for his non-fiction, he also wrote fiction, and The Napoleon of Notting Hill and The Man Who was Thursday are among his best known and most loved novels.

The Napoleon of Notting Hill, his first novel, tells the story of residents of a London suburb who take up arms and declare their independence from England, with line drawings throughout.

The Man Who was Thursday, his most famous novel, tells the story of a policeman who becomes unwittingly--and unwillingly--caught up in a resistance group that is infiltrating a secret organization of anarchists.

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