Children of Trauma: Rediscovering Your Discarded Self by Jane Middelton-Moz Paperback Book


Rent Children of Trauma: Rediscovering Your Discarded Self

Author: Jane Middelton-Moz


Publisher: Health Communications

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Psychology - Mental Illness

Retail Price: $12.95

Pages: 185


Imagine what it would be like to become the healthiest person you could be.....

This is the inherent right of each individual but when lingering emotional trauma from our childhood blocks the normal developmental process, we get struck. As each of us strives to become the healthiest person we possibly can, we will have to come face-to-face with emotional fears that may be the result of traumatic childhoods. Although that journey may be paved with the paid of unresolved grief and unrecognized loss, this book will serve as the map to guide you and help you rediscover your discarded self...

...the best self you were always meant to be.

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