Church on Purpose: Reinventing Discipleship, Community, & Justice by Adam L. Bond Paperback Book


Rent Church on Purpose: Reinventing Discipleship, Community, & Justice

Author: Adam L. Bond


Publisher: Judson Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - Leadership

Retail Price: $15.99


Topics include discipleship issues such as Sunday school, intergenerational worship settings, and evangelism; redefinition of community through strategic planning, ecumenical partnerships, and communication in a larger world; and pursuit of justice through inclusion of the poor and the prisoner. Recognizing the generational shift within congregations across the country and anticipating areas of church life that require attention or reform, this volume offers possibilities for new directions within Christian communities.
Key features:
• Challenges the church to consider alternative ways to doing church in order to strengthen and grow congregations
•Offers practical strategies that address key areas of congregational health
• Explores the core themes of community, discipleship, and justice with emerging Christian leaders of diverse denominations, generations and vocations

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