Customer Service Is Just Foreplay: The Modern Customer Experience Will Separate You From The Competition by Brian Appleton Paperback Book


Rent Customer Service Is Just Foreplay: The Modern Customer Experience Will Separate You From The Competition

Author: Brian Appleton


Publisher: Cappleton, LLC

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Insurance

Pages: 148


Business as usual gets a new life in Customer Service is Just Foreplay. This information-packed guide is filled with relevant modern practices and principles that can be applied to any agent or agency in the insurance industry. Client interactions have made a major shift over the past decade. Merely providing good customer service has been surpassed by digital tools and strategies that make up a great customer experience. Mobile apps, online chat and payment systems as well as 24/7 accessibility aren't just "extras" anymore. Agents are charged with evaluating and changing out-of-date business models to keep pace with online competitors. Jason Cass, owner of JDC Insurance Group, is a thought leader, speaker, agency owner and champion for the independent insurance industry. As an entrepreneur, Jason has first-hand experience building a profitable agency that can be run both virtually and digitally. In Customer Service Is Just Foreplay Jason will show you how to do the same.

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