Faithfully Fit: A 40-Day Devotional Plan to End the Yo-Yo Lifestyle of Chronic Dieting by Claire Cloninger Paperback Book


Rent Faithfully Fit: A 40-Day Devotional Plan to End the Yo-Yo Lifestyle of Chronic Dieting

Author: Claire Cloninger


Publisher: W Publishing Group

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Devotional

Retail Price: $13.99

Pages: 185


An ideal companion for any eating or exercise program, this unique guide encourages and inspires readers with day-to-day spiritual support for fitness efforts. It includes scripture readings, daily meditations, and practical activities for those seeking to be biblically and faithfully fit.

This book also provides daily uplift for those who aren't dieting or "working out" - just trying to make healthy eating and regular exercise a part of their lives. However you use it, Faithfully Fit is guaranteed to give you hope, courage, challenge, insight, and humor on the long road from overeating to overcoming.

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