Father Hunger: Fathers, Daughters, and the Pursuit of Thinness by Margo Maine Paperback Book


Rent Father Hunger: Fathers, Daughters, and the Pursuit of Thinness

Author: Margo Maine


Publisher: Gurze Books

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Psychology - Psychopathology - Eating Disorders

Retail Price: $19.95

Pages: 288


This book pioneered the term "father hunger" — the emptiness, and resulting food and body image disorders, experienced by women whose fathers were physically or emotionally absent. Based on ten years of further study, this second edition of Father Hunger details the origins of the syndrome and its effect on the family, with new practical solutions to help dads and daughters understand and improve their relationships. An expanded section for educators and therapists offers strategies and techniques for preventing and treating this complex problem.

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