Get Your Child Eating: The Easy Guide to Having Happier Meals with Your Kids by Elaine Hodgins Paperback Book


Rent Get Your Child Eating: The Easy Guide to Having Happier Meals with Your Kids

Author: Elaine Hodgins


Publisher: Academy of Hypnotic Arts Ltd

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Psychology - Psychopathology - Eating Disorders

Pages: 132


Attention all Mums, Dads and Carers of children, who want to get your child eating, have a happier family, and enjoy a fuller life .

This brand new book by Harley Street Child psychotherapy expert, Elaine Hodgins, reveals how every Mum, Dad and Carer can become empowered, to calm the anxiety of the whole family, by understanding the child's issues surrounding food and whether they have a serious health problem, or are just a picky eater, and aims to give you, happier meals with your kids.

"Get Your Child Eating" An Interview with Elaine Hodgins
Gives you:

Picky or Selective Eater? Same Page Positioning TTSBC Planning (Taste, Texture, Smell, Brand, Colour)Glove Puppets and Stories Party Time - Not Travel Not Trouble Sickness and Safe FoodsFood Chaining

... and much, MUCH More!

Elaine also reveals why your kids eating is not Your Fault!

This is a unique opportunity to have this PROVEN Emotional child therapist expert, take you by the hand and explain how to have happier meals with your kids and Get Your Child Eating!

Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has "been there and done that!" Get this book NOW and Get Started Right away.

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