Ghost Force by Patrick Robinson Paperback Book


Rent Ghost Force

Author: Patrick Robinson


Publisher: Harpercollins

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Technological

Retail Price: $9.99

Pages: 480


The year is 2011.

An oil-hungry world is starving . . .

. . . and Argentina, with Russia's help, is determined to brutally wrest the petroleum-rich Falkland Islands from British hands. Enraged over this brazen act of international piracy, Great Britain dispatches a battle fleet to the islands for the second time in thirty years—unaware that Viper K-157, a lethal Russian Akula-class submarine, lies in wait, stuffed to the gunwales with ship-killing torpedoes.

America cannot sit idle as hell explodes in the South Atlantic and, under the stern eye of Admiral Arnold Morgan, the military's most powerful weapon is unleashed to hammer Argentina into submission: the U.S. Navy SEALs. The outcome of the unforeseen war that's igniting in America's backyard ultimately depends upon her awesome 'ghost force” and their successful execution of two remarkable clandestine missions—while the consequences of failure may be too terrible to consider.

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