Ghost Pirates: And Other Tales of the High Seas by Tom McCarthy Paperback Book


Rent Ghost Pirates: And Other Tales of the High Seas

Author: Tom McCarthy


Publisher: Globe Pequot Pr

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Anthologies (multiple Authors)

Retail Price: $14.95

Pages: 224


Ghosts. Pirates. Put the two together and you’ve got a winning combination of the most exciting stories ever written. IIt's enough to make anyone say, 'Shiver me timbers'--with delight.

The spirits of Davy Jones's locker have a long and colorful history among sailors and lovers of literature. From Daniel Defoe's 'The Four Years Voyages of Capt. George Roberts' to Thomas Smollet's 'The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle' to Washington Irving's 'Adventures of the Black Fisherman,' ghost pirates swashbuckle in and out of the scene, stealing the souls of the doomed and frightening the innocent. Prepare yourself for a thrilling ride.

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