God, Fire & Revival: Supernatural Scenes & Enduring Principles The Hebrides Revival by John Wesley Adams Paperback Book


Rent God, Fire & Revival: Supernatural Scenes & Enduring Principles The Hebrides Revival

Author: John Wesley Adams


Publisher: Oasis House

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - History

Pages: 180


This book is a fire-starter! And its fire is contagious! Prayer in the Hebrides was the catalyst for revival, and revival was God’s catalyst for community transformation. Historic revivals have always had sizeable transformational impact, as this book emphasizes. Since most Christians today have never witnessed a nation-wide spiritual awakening, we have little concept of the enormous impact that comes with it. The Hebrides revival, described in this book, provides a window through which to see the redemptive impact and transformational change that revival brings to various spheres of society like church, family, education, business, government, and social life. God, Fire & Revival is a careful rewrite and significant expansion of the author’s previous work, The Fire Of God’s Presence, first published in 2004. As in the previous volume, supernatural revival scenes are graphically described by Owen Murphy. The author/editor, Dr. Wes Adams, has become another valuable link in the chain of witnesses to God’s glorious works and ways. He patiently explains the ways of God in revival; then he exhorts us to awaken from our slumber and embrace the fullness of our destiny (from Foreword by George Otis, Jr.). Today, after more than 50 years of revival intercession, and after more than a 1,000 hours of reading and teaching about revival, the fire that was lit in Adams at the age of 20 on a cold February night in Oklahoma City still burns within him, “shut up in his bones.” His fire is also communicated through the pages of this book. Such is the power of God’s deposit of revival-fire in the human heart! The Hebrides revival began in a prayer meeting. Behind every great revival are humble desperate intercessors who pay the price of earnest prayer. A contemporary church leader remarks: "Every great movement of God in revival history has been preceded by a great movement of God in prayer" (Ronnie Floyd, President of the Southern Baptist Convention).

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