Half the Way Home: A Memoir of Father and Son by Adam Hochschild Paperback Book


Rent Half the Way Home: A Memoir of Father and Son

Author: Adam Hochschild


Publisher: Mariner Books

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Editors, Journalists, Publishers

Retail Price: $14.95

Pages: 236


From the author of the best-selling King Leopold's Ghost, this haunting and deeply honest memoir tells of Adam Hochschild's conflicted relationship with his father, the head of a multinational mining corporation. The author lyrically evokes his privileged childhood on an Adirondack estate, a colorful uncle who was a pioneer aviator and fighter ace, and his first explorations of the larger world he encountered as he came of age in the tumultuous 1960s. But above all this is a story of a father and his only son and of the unexpected peace finally made between them.

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