How to Get Rich; Without Winning the Lottery: A Guide to Money & Wealth Building by Barbara Friedberg Paperback Book


Rent How to Get Rich; Without Winning the Lottery: A Guide to Money & Wealth Building

Author: Barbara Friedberg


Publisher: Wealth Media, LLC

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Personal Finance - Money Management

Pages: 122


This how-to-get-rich primer guides you on the road to affluence in an easy to understand, step by step process for amassing wealth. Find out how your money habits can turn into tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Learn how to amass money for a home down payment and a 6-7 figure retirement fund through investing. Filled with examples and worksheets, you'll learn to turn income into wealth, whether you're self employed or a company employee. Getting rich doesn't happen overnight, but with How to Get Rich; Without Winning the Lottery, you'll have the solution to your money problems. Learn the strategies to amass more money with less financial stress. Uncover the essential tools to help you navigate your own path to financial security. No matter what your lifestyle, money management knowledge, or financial education, you'll discover what it takes to accumulate more money than you could imagine. It's never too late to get rich. Get started today, and let this book be your guide to developing wealth-building habits for tomorrow. Learn how to become a millionaire on an average salary. Get a simple strategy to eliminate debt. Understand the secret to saving. Invest like the best. Discover wealth building secrets of the rich, in this book.

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