In Sickness and in Mental Health: Living with and Loving Someone with Mental Illness by Diane Mintz Paperback Book


Rent In Sickness and in Mental Health: Living with and Loving Someone with Mental Illness

Author: Diane Mintz


Publisher: Authority Publishing

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Psychology - Mental Illness

Pages: 172


"In Sickness and in Mental Health" is a personal journey through the madness of living with mental illness and the uncommon discovery to the road back to health. Author Diane Mintz shares her terrifying experience with bipolar disorder and how a symptom of the disorder itself, coupled with various addictions, impeded her recovery for a decade. 

Diane discloses her soul with transparency, searching for answers which ultimately leads her to the balanced and abundant life she has enjoyed for over twenty years. Early in her recovery she meets her future husband and draws on her experience, strength, and hope to help him recover from an even more complicated illness called schizoaffective disorder. Throughout their marriage, Diane gains insight into what very few people understand. 

A story of deep, abiding love, this book reveals powerful lessons about the road to recovery, how to have healthy, meaningful relationships, and especially what it takes to have an extraordinary marriage. Together for nearly twenty years, this couple has defied the odds. They enjoy each other, their two children and their thriving business. 

"In Sickness and in Mental Health" provides genuine hope to those who are affected by mental illness that a healthy, happy life is possible. 

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