Insanity Offense by Fuller Torrey Paperback Book


Rent Insanity Offense

Author: Fuller Torrey


Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Psychology - Mental Illness

Retail Price: $22.95


"Vital for all working in the mental health field . . . . Fascinating reading for anyone." —Choice

E. Fuller Torrey, the author of the definitive guides to schizophrenia and manic depression, chronicles a disastrous swing in the balance of civil rights that has resulted in numerous violent episodes and left a vulnerable population of mentally ill people homeless and victimized. Interweaving in-depth accounts of landmark cases in California, Wisconsin, and North Carolina with a history of legislation and changes in the mental health care system, Torrey gives shape to the magnitude of our failure and outlines what needs to be done to reverse this ongoing—and accelerating—disaster. A new epilogue on the 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona, brings this tragic story up to date.

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