MONEY - HOW TO MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU: The Financial Glow Up Volume No. 2 by Wanda P. Bowman Paperback Book


Rent MONEY - HOW TO MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU: The Financial Glow Up Volume No. 2

Author: Wanda P. Bowman


Publisher: Wanda P. Bowman

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Personal Finance - Money Management

Pages: 98


When it comes to building a sustainable economic platform by creating multiple revenue streams, the author discusses ways in which we can put our money to work for us. In this book, Wanda Bowman, discusses the philosophy of shifting our mindset toward the concept of generating wealth and that financial independence is not only obtained by how much money we earn, but in how well our money we earn is working for us. Bowman discusses ways in which we should give our money an assignment by investing in multiple areas. She gives step by step instructions on how to purchase your first rental property along with other revenue generating options. Bowman discusses how creating passive income as a supplemental source of income can be a recession proof way of generating additional streams of revenue in times of economic downturns.

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