Master Your Mind: Critical-Thinking Exercises and Activities to Boost Brain Power and Think Smarter by Marcel Danesi Paperback Book


Rent Master Your Mind: Critical-Thinking Exercises and Activities to Boost Brain Power and Think Smarter

Author: Marcel Danesi


Publisher: Rockridge Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Philosophy - Logic

Retail Price: $15.99

Pages: 152


Sharpen critical thinking skills and power your brain—for life\r\n \n\nThink of your mind like a muscle. It must be exercised regularly to get stronger—and for you to get smarter. Master Your Mind will get your brain in shape by helping you cultivate the principles of critical thinking through perplexing puzzles, engaging exercises based on real-world scenarios, interesting case studies, and practical strategies.\n\nThis modern critical thinking workbook will teach you how to be on your toes mentally, filtering information, decoding it logically and with reason, and assessing it for validity. You’ll learn to think twice—perhaps three times—and become a better decision-maker and problem-solver.\n\nMaster Your Mind delivers:An effective approach—Get a concise look at critical thinking skills, including analysis, objectivity, evaluation, reasoning, deduction, problem-solving, and decision-making.Fun activities—Explore challenging, logic-based exercises that are based on real-world experiences, and learn to develop essential skills in your personal and professional life, especially in the digital age.Mental fitness for life—Learn best practices to incorporate critical thinking into your daily existence for the long term, always keep an open mind, and become a lifelong learner.\n\nTrain your brain so you can become smarter and more creative with this complete critical thinking workbook.

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