Overdraft: The Orion Offensive by John Jackson Miller Paperback Book


Rent Overdraft: The Orion Offensive

Author: John Jackson Miller


Publisher: Brilliance Corporation

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Science Fiction - Military

Retail Price: $14.99


In the twenty-second century, humanity has journeyed to the stars, and found them open for business. And when it comes to protecting that business, Chief Bridget Yang and Surge Team Sigma — her squad of heavily armed space marines — are up to the task. Unfortunately, Jamie Sturm is one problem they can't just vaporize. When Jamie's financial schemes bankrupt their expedition, Bridget and her crew refuse to let the rogue stock trader walk away. To save their jobs, the soldiers drag him out from behind his desk — and onto a seemingly hopeless mission to the frontier, seeking to open the most dangerous parts of the Orion Arm to trade. But in turning over every alien rock looking for profit, the hapless trader and his reluctant protectors uncover something that endangers humanity itself…

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