Preaching in the Inventive Age by  Paperback Book


Rent Preaching in the Inventive Age



Publisher: Abingdon Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - Leadership

Retail Price: $16.99

Pages: 240


What kind of communities are we forming? What story are we telling? How can we tell it more effectively? Pagitt takes on these questions and investigates the goals and roles of preaching in the Inventive Age.
From the book:  "I find myself wanting to live with the people of my community, where I can preach … but not allow that to become an act of speech making.  Instead, I want it to be a living interaction of the story of God and the story of our community being connected by our truth telling, our vulnerability, and our open minds, ears, and eyes – all brought together by the active work of the Spirit of God…."

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