Reading Biblical Greek Workbook: A Translation Guide to Mark 1-4 by Richard J. Gibson Paperback Book


Rent Reading Biblical Greek Workbook: A Translation Guide to Mark 1-4

Author: Richard J. Gibson


Publisher: Zondervan

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Biblical Reference - Language Study

Retail Price: $12.99

Pages: 96


The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is a companion resource to Reading Biblical Greek: A Grammar for Students. The workbook breaks up the Greek text of Mark 1-4 into manageable portions and provides the vocabulary and grammatical assistance required for beginning students.


The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is an integral part of the learning experience for students, it helps them to read and translate the Greek of the New Testament, and ultimately equips them to read the Greek New Testament itself. The student will have read and translated the whole of Mark 1-4 by the time they complete the workbook

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