Reviving the Black Church: New Life for a Sacred Institution by Thabiti Anyabwile Paperback Book


Rent Reviving the Black Church: New Life for a Sacred Institution

Author: Thabiti Anyabwile


Publisher: B&H Publishing Group

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - Leadership

Retail Price: $15.99

Pages: 208


Is the Black Church dying? The picture is mixed and there are many challenges. The church needs spiritual revival. But reviving and strengthening the Black Church will require great wisdom and courage.  Reviving the Black Church calls us back to another time, borrowing the wisdom of earlier faithful Christians. But more importantly, it calls us back to the Bible itself. For there we find the divine wisdom needed to see all quarters of the Black Church live again, thriving in the Spirit of God. It's pastor and church planter Thabiti Anyabwile's humble prayer that this book might be useful to pastors and faithful lay members in reviving at least some quarters of the Black Church, and churches of every ethnicity and context— all for the glory of God.

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