Roadmap to Hell: Sex, Drugs and Guns on the Mafia Coast by Barbie Latza Nadeau Paperback Book


Rent Roadmap to Hell: Sex, Drugs and Guns on the Mafia Coast

Author: Barbie Latza Nadeau


Publisher: ONEWorld Publications

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: True Crime - Organized Crime

Retail Price: $16.95

Pages: 240


From sex slaves to drug mules, The Daily Beast's Rome Bureau Chief uncovers a terrifying and intricate web of criminal activity right on Europe's doorstep.

Chasing the money from kidnapped Nigerian hair braiders to ISIS gunrunners, this is the story of modern slavery in Europe and how the plight of those most in need is being wilfully disregarded. Caught between Camorra arms dealers and Nigerian drug gangs along Italy's attractive coast, each year thousands of refugees and migrants are lured into their murky underworld. In this powerful expose, investigative journalist Barbie Latza Nadeau follows the weapons trail, meets the sex-trafficked women trapped by black magic, the nuns who try to save them and the Italian police who turn a blind eye as the most urgent issues facing Europe play out in broad daylight.

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