Seasons of Hope by Frank Bice Paperback Book


Rent Seasons of Hope

Author: Frank Bice



Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Political Science - Public Policy - Social Services & Welfare

Pages: 76


In Seasons of Hope, author Frank Bice reflects upon his experience with gratitude and service in the world of football and lacrosse. With coaches as father figures, and highlighting the athletic fields of Manhasset, Saint Mary's, Cranwell, Canterbury, Siena, and Sacred Heart Academy, Frank Bice attempts to leave no player, or mentor, behind. Using inspirational stories illustrating themes of courage, hope, love, and loyalty, Frank Bice captures the essence of teamwork and perseverance. After reading Seasons of Hope, you will want to say "Yes" to service and make it fun. You will learn to show up when someone is hurting and understand the importance of being creative verses competitive. Frank Bice emphasizes that if you experience a perceived failure and you remain grateful, something better will come along. When times are really tough, Seasons of Hope challenges us to prove how great we can be by choosing to be positive. The overriding theme of this timeless classic is Service makes you powerful, gratitude makes you invincible. Seasons of Hope is a must read for coaches, athletes, and anyone seeking to overcome challenges in life.

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