Seven Days, Many Voices: Insights into the Biblical Story of Creation by Benjamin David Paperback Book


Rent Seven Days, Many Voices: Insights into the Biblical Story of Creation

Author: Benjamin David


Publisher: Central Conference of American Rabbis

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Judaism - Theology

Pages: 348


Few stories are as compelling as the Creation story in the Book of Genesis. Our readings of Creation are incredibly diverse. This collection gives us a lens into a wide range of creative and inspiring thinking about Creation. Midrash, biblical criticism, literature, theology, climate justice, human rights, history, and science are just some of the fields through which the Creation story is examined, by such thinkers as Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Dr. Alyssa Gray, Rabbi Aaron Panken, PhD, Rabbi Mira Wasserman, PhD, Rabbi Jill Jacobs, and many others. This diverse collection of some of today's finest thinkers will challenge assumptions and spark new ideas. Great for individual study or community learning!

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