Spiritwalk by Charles De Lint Paperback Book


Rent Spiritwalk

Author: Charles De Lint


Publisher: Blackstone Publishing

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Fantasy - Urban Life


At the heart of Tamson House is the Wood. And in that Wood is the Mystery. Tamson House, in modern, urban Ottawa, is a rambling, eccentric curiosity of a house—and a place of hidden Power. Built at a point where the leylines meet, upon land that was once a sacred site, it is the gateway to a spirit world where Celtic and Native American magicks mingle and leak into our own. In the overgrown garden of Tamson House, a Coyote Man waits, green children walk, and music rises to greet the moon. From the garden, a vast and primal wood is just one spirit-step away … and in that wood is something that threatens the very existence of Tamson House, and all who dwell within. Charles de Lint returns to the spirit-world of his bestselling Moonheartin a splendid work of urban fantasy, bringing myth, music, and magic into our modern world.

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