The Divine Reality: Selected Spiritual Writings by Aldous Huxley Paperback Book


Rent The Divine Reality: Selected Spiritual Writings

Author: Aldous Huxley


Publisher: Harper Perennial

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Philosophy - Religious

Retail Price: $16.99

Pages: 336


Brave New World author Aldous Huxley on enlightenment and the "ultimate reality"

In this anthology of twenty-six essays and other writings, Huxley discusses the nature of God, enlightenment, being,good and evil, religion, eternity, and the divine. Huxley consistently examined the spiritual basis of both the individual and human society, always seeking to reach an authentic and clearly defined experience of the divine. Featuring an introduction by renowned religious scholar Huston Smith, this celebration of "ultimate reality" proves relevant and prophetic in addressing the spiritual hunger so many feel today.

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