The Driver: Stories Behind Closed Car Doors by Anonymous Paperback Book


Rent The Driver: Stories Behind Closed Car Doors

Author: Anonymous


Publisher: Wake Up Inc

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Industries - Transportation

Pages: 122


"The Driver: Stories Behind Closed Car Doors," by anonymous, is a great book. It is a collection of stories about the events of Johnny's life as a ride-sharing Driver. Straight out of High School, Johnny embarks on his journey of a lifetime to Hollywood seeking success and fame as a film star. To keep money coming in and to support himself he becomes a Driver. This book is for all the Drivers worldwide, all colors and all languages--the moms and dads that are driving for a second job to support their families, the college students that are driving to pay their tuition. The drivers that are in between jobs and for those that are driving for cash flow to support their own dream. Will Johnny do what he needs to do to become the next Brad Pitt or George Clooney in Hollywood? Driving for a ridesharing company is a perfect job to keep the cashflow coming in while pursuing an acting career. These stories will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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