The Man on Whom Nothing Was Lost: The Grand Strategy of Charles Hill by Molly Worthen Paperback Book


Rent The Man on Whom Nothing Was Lost: The Grand Strategy of Charles Hill

Author: Molly Worthen


Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Educators

Retail Price: $20.95

Pages: 384


Psychologically astute and passionately written, Molly Worthen’s remarkable debut charts the intricate relationship between student and teacher, biographer and subject. As an admiring college freshman, Worthen found herself deeply fascinated by Charles Hill. Hill was her world-wise professor, a former diplomat and behind-the-scenes operator who shaped American foreign policy in his fortyyear career as an adviser to Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, and Boutros Boutros-Ghali, among others. At Yale, Hill was never afraid to tell students how to think or what to do, and the Grand Strategy seminar he co-taught had developed a cult following.

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