The Millionaire Course: A Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your Dreams by Mark Allen Paperback Book


Rent The Millionaire Course: A Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Author: Mark Allen

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Pub Group West

Published: Mar 2003

Genre: Self-help - Personal Growth - Success

Retail Price: $17.95

Pages: 301


This book is an entire course, an easy in-depth guide to accomplishing one's dreams in life. Structured in results-minded lessons and interwoven with keys that offer sudden moments of understanding, the book helps the reader grasp new ways of thinking of, and attaining, wealth and fulfillment by doing what we love and adhering to compassionate values. Lesson topics include: 'Imagine your ideal scene,' 'Discover your core beliefs, and learn how to change them,' and 'Grow at your own pace.' Author Marc Allen offers both a life-changing philosophy and the specific tools - the business plan, the vocabulary, even resources for financing - needed to live the dream.

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