The Retail Mindset: A Retail Entrepreneur's Guide to Reduce Stress, Have Fun and Make More Money by Emily a. Benson Paperback Book


Rent The Retail Mindset: A Retail Entrepreneur's Guide to Reduce Stress, Have Fun and Make More Money

Author: Emily a. Benson


Publisher: Andover and Wilmington Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Business & Economics - Industries - Retailing

Pages: 184


When you opened your retail store, the focus was on inventory, social media and gaining an audience of customers who wanted to buy from you. The drive you had got you to now, a moment in your business journey where everything is starting to work out as you imagined. Well, kind of. The mechanics of the retail business are going well. But, you're exhausted, constantly worried about money and spending time on work that should be with your family. None of this was part of your plan. It's time to make some Mindset Moves! The Retail Mindset Method, outlined in this book, has a pretty simple promise. When you work on your mindset, you will:Reduce your daily stressHave more fun in your retail businessMake the money you desire In this book, I'm going to walk you through the exact steps that I've taught hundreds of clients and students. I'll tell you about their successes, failures, challenges and triumphs in the hope that you'll see yourself in their stories. My intention is that you will use the lessons and methods to improve your life so that you can have a thriving retail business, one you are thrilled to get up and run every single day you're open. By the end of reading and implementing what's in this book, I hope that you will learn to love your business and yourself.

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