The Spirited Walker: Fitness Walking for Clarity, Balance, and Spiritual Connection by Carolyn Scott Kortge Paperback Book


Rent The Spirited Walker: Fitness Walking for Clarity, Balance, and Spiritual Connection

Author: Carolyn Scott Kortge


Publisher: HarperOne

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Sports & Recreation - Walking

Retail Price: $15.00

Pages: 272


Walking surpasses jogging as most people’s favourite form of exercise by five-to-one. The Spirited Walker introduces the idea of expanding one’s walking regimen from simply a physical workout to a spiritual one – a fitness routine for the body and soul. Drawing upon the Buddhist concept of the ‘walking meditation’ – spiritual practice on the move – Kortge offers instruction and encouragement for:• Developing a walking routine• Learning and using proper walking techniques• Developing awareness and focus while walking• Practicing techniques for increased attentiveness, peacefulness and tranquility.Using breathing exercises, visualizations, and active affirmations.A unique approach to spiritual development, Kortge’s methods are simple, eminently practical, and rewarding for men and women of all ages and physical conditions. Beautifully written and gently inspiring, the Spirited Walker is one of the first books to explore the hidden and profound benefits of this enormously popular sport, offering a spirited new lesson in the pursuit of good health.

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