The Stepmoms' Club: How to Be a Stepmom Without Losing Your Money, Your Mind, and Your Marriage by Kendall Rose Paperback Book


Rent The Stepmoms' Club: How to Be a Stepmom Without Losing Your Money, Your Mind, and Your Marriage

Author: Kendall Rose


Publisher: Sourcebooks

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Family & Relationships - Parenting - Stepparenting

Retail Price: $16.99

Pages: 272


The tips, tricks and support you need to survive stepmotherhood

You've met the partner of your dreams and have gotten your happily ever after, but now you've taken on a new role: stepmom. And you have no idea what you signed up for. Or maybe you've been a stepmom for a while now, but things are getting you down. Who do you turn to for help? Where is the stepmothering support group that'll give you the advice you need? Who actually gets how hard being a stepmom can be?

We do. We are the women who have chosen stepmotherhood and lived to tell the tale. This guide holds our solutions to help you:

• Brave the crazy ex demands
• Overcome the financial hurdles of a blended family
• Be prepared for the legal battles and custody arrangements
• Handle disrespectful children
• Nourish your relationship
• Manuever the emotional breakdowns of stepmotherhood
• Build your own stepmom's club
• Understand why you need your partner to have your back

Written by stepmoms for stepmoms, these tips, anecdotes, and words of advance will help you find success and support within your new family.

We are the Stepmoms' Club ―your club ―and we're here to help you.

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