The Temptation to Exist by E. M. Cioran Paperback Book


Rent The Temptation to Exist

Author: E. M. Cioran


Publisher: Arcade Publishing

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Philosophy - Religious

Retail Price: $14.95

Pages: 224


pstrong“A brilliant exponent of a rare genre, the philosophical essay.”—emThe New York Times Book Review/em/strong/pThis collection of eleven essays originally appeared in France thirty years ago and created a literary whirlwind on the Left Bank. Cioran writes incisively about Western civilizations, the writer, the novel, mystics, apostles, and /br /The Temptation to Exist first introduced this brilliant European thinker twenty years ago to American readers, in a superb translation by Richard Howard. This literary mystique around Cioran continues to grow, and emThe Temptation to Exist/em has become an underground classic. In this work Cioran writes about Western civilizations, the writer, the novel, about mystics, apostles, philosophers. For those to whom the very word emphilosophy/em brings visions of arduous reading, be assured: Cioran is crystal-clear, his style quotable and aphoristic.p“A sort of final philosopher of the Western world. His statements have the compression of poetry and the audacity of cosmic clowning”—emThe Washington Post/em/p

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