The Wingman (Jack Sharpe) (Volume 2) by David Pepper Paperback Book


Rent The Wingman (Jack Sharpe) (Volume 2)

Author: David Pepper

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: St. Helena Press

Published: Feb 2018

Genre: Fiction - Political

Pages: 286


In The Wingman, veteran Midwestern reporter Jack Sharpe has made it big thanks to the deep-rooted voter-fraud conspiracy he uncovered in The People’s House (the first of the series). Sharpe catches a whiff that something rotten is taking place in the Democratic Presidential primary, and ultimately discovers an elaborate scheme to put a corrupt and dangerous politician in the nation’s highest office by any means necessary. Dark money, drone technology, paramilitary government contractors, neglected veterans, kompromat—we see these issues in the news every day. But in The Wingman David Pepper shows that if shadowy entities with enough incentive and resources were to connect and exploit these issues, the American people would be largely powerless to stop them. Jack must risk his life and reputation to get to the bottom of the story before the disturbing plot he and his team have uncovered becomes reality.

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