Two Days Gone by Randall Silvis Paperback Book


Rent Two Days Gone

Author: Randall Silvis

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark

Published: Jan 2017

Genre: Fiction - Thrillers - Crime

Retail Price: $15.99

Pages: 400


"An absolute gem of literary suspense... told in a smooth, assured, and often haunting voice, Two Days Gone is a terrific read." —Michael Koryta, New York Times bestselling author of Those Who Wish Me Dead

The perfect family. The perfect house. The perfect life. All gone now.

What could cause a man, when all the stars of fortune are shining upon him, to suddenly snap and destroy everything he has built? This is the question that haunts Sergeant Ryan DeMarco after the wife and children of beloved college professor and bestselling author Thomas Huston are found slaughtered in their home. Huston himself has disappeared and so is immediately cast as the prime suspect.

DeMarco knows—or thinks he knows—that Huston couldn't have been capable of murdering his family. But if Huston is innocent, why is he on the run? And does the half-finished manuscript he left behind contain clues to the mystery of his family's killer?

A masterful new thriller by acclaimed author Randall Silvis, Two Days Gone is a taut, suspenseful story that will will break your heart as much as it will haunt your dreams.

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