Tying the Knot: A Southern Quilting Mystery by Elizabeth Craig Paperback Book


Rent Tying the Knot: A Southern Quilting Mystery

Author: Elizabeth Craig

Format: Mass Market Paperback

Publisher: Signet Book

Published: Jun 2015

Genre: Fiction - Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths

Retail Price: $7.99

Ages: 18 - UP

Pages: 304


Wedding bells are ringing in Dappled Hills, North Carolina.  But when the festivities take an unexpected turn, quilter Beatrice Coleman must get crafty and catch a killer wedding crasher....

Everyone loves a wedding, and with the sister of Beatrice's beau, Wyatt, about to say "I do," Beatrice and the Village Quilters are pitching in to help with the nuptial plans. They're hard at work making everything from wool boutonnieres to a quilt-shaped wedding cake. And all the talk of love and marriage has Beatrice thinking about her own budding romance with Wyatt.

But after she stumbles across the body of the original best man at the end of the reception, Beatrice must stop threading her needle and start collecting clues. She, along with the Village Quilters, will need to turn all their attention to solving a murder before another victim gets cut out.…

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