Vital: Churches Changing Communities and the World by Jorge Acevedo Paperback Book


Rent Vital: Churches Changing Communities and the World

Author: Jorge Acevedo


Publisher: Abingdon Press

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Religion - Christian Church - Leadership

Retail Price: $16.99


What behaviors do highly vital congregations have in common? How can all congregations move toward greater vitality? In Vital, Jorge Acevedo passionately and effectively reveals how Grace Church in Cape Coral, Florida, has developed behaviors that result in vital and fruitful ministry. Focusing on spiritual pastoral leadership, lay leadership development, worship, small groups, and service and mission, Acevedo both inspires and coaches. He helps leaders of congregations act in their own contexts to develop behaviors essential to vitality, as identified by the recent study of 32,000 United Methodist congregations. The book includes brief summaries of learnings from the research written by Amy Valdez Barker, project manager for the Vital Congregations Initiative, as well as stories from other congregations illustrating vital behaviors in different settings.

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