Voices of a People's History of the United States, 10th Anniversary Edition by Howard Zinn Paperback Book


Rent Voices of a People's History of the United States, 10th Anniversary Edition

Author: Howard Zinn


Publisher: Blackstone Audiobooks

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: History - United States

Retail Price: $54.95


Selected testimonies to living history--speeches, letters, poems, songs--offered by the people who make history happen, but are often left out of history books: women, workers, nonwhites. Featuring introductions to the original texts by Howard Zinn.

New voices featured in this 10th Anniversary Edition include Chelsea Manning, speaking after her thirty-five-year prison sentence); Naomi Klein, speaking from the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Liberty Square; a member of Dream Defenders, a youth organization that confronts systemic racial inequality; members of the Undocumented Youth movement, who occupied, marched, and demonstrated in support of the DREAM Act; a member of the Day Laborers movement; Chicago Teachers Union strikers; and several critics of the Obama administration, including Glenn Greenwald, on governmental secrecy.

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