Wearing My Halo Tilted by Stephanie Perry Moore Paperback Book


Rent Wearing My Halo Tilted

Author: Stephanie Perry Moore


Publisher: Dafina Books

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Christian - Romance/contemporary

Retail Price: $16.00

Pages: 320


When a good woman goes astray, what will it take to get right with her family--and God?

The one thing Shari Maddox feeling most about her marriage is what it's missing, but her husband's frustrations with his career as a Christian college football coach leave her complaints falling on deaf ears. So when a book she's written is adapted into a play, Shari jumps at the chance to get away--even if it leads her straight to temptation.

Bryce McCray, the famous gospel singer who's starring in the play, has a lot in common with Shari, including a troubled marriage. As their attraction deepens, Shari's fear that her relationship with God is in trouble comes true. To get right, she'll have to set things straight with her husband--and the Lord. But the road to redemption has its share of surprises, and it will take all the love and faith Shari and Dillon can muster to turn a difficult situation into a lifelong blessing.

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