Where Angels Dwell (Volume 1) by Michael J. Chrobak Paperback Book


Rent Where Angels Dwell (Volume 1)

Author: Michael J. Chrobak


Publisher: Seneschal Publishing

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Christian - Classic & Allegory

Pages: 230


Mark wakes from a dreamless sleep to find he has spent the last three days in Intensive Care. As the fog from the medication slowly wears off, a revelation begins to unfold. While sedated, his physical body fighting to stay alive, Mark's soul stood before the Throne of God. At first, all he remembers is four words. "I don't want you." But, that couldn't be right, could it? How could God not want him? As the question becomes rooted in his mind, Mark realizes, it isn't that God doesn't want him, it's that He doesn't want the person Mark currently is. Mark's life may be priceless, but the way he is living his life provides little value in return. To change this, Mark must find his purpose. He must become the person he was born to be. With the help of his wife, Jennifer, Father Kevin, and a small group of teens, Mark finds the pieces of the life he was meant to live. He also realizes, in order to live this new life, he must first let go of the old, a process that proves to be more painful than he is prepared to face.

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