Winston Churchill's War Leadership by Martin Gilbert Paperback Book


Rent Winston Churchill's War Leadership

Author: Martin Gilbert

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Random House Inc

Published: Apr 2004

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Political

Retail Price: $13.00

Pages: 112


How does he assess the information that is brought to him? How does his personal or political philosophy, or a moral sense, sustain him? How does he draw inspiration from those around him? How does he deal with setbacks and disasters? In this brilliant close-up look at Winston Churchill's leadership during the Second World War, Gilbert gets to the heart of the trials and struggles that have confronted the world's most powerful leaders, even up to current politicians such as George Bush and Tony Blair.

Basing the book on his intimate knowledge of Churchill's private and official papers, Sir Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s official biographer, looks at the public figure and wartime propaganda, to reveal a very human, sensitive, and often tormented man, who nevertheless found the strength to lead his nation forward from the darkest and most dangerous of times.

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