Wisdom 2.0: Ancient Secrets for the Creative and Constantly Connected by Soren Gordhamer Paperback Book


Rent Wisdom 2.0: Ancient Secrets for the Creative and Constantly Connected

Author: Soren Gordhamer


Publisher: HarperOne

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Self-help - Stress Management

Retail Price: $15.99

Pages: 256


This title offers user-friendly guidance for the millions of people attempting to strike the right balance with computers, mobile phones, blackberrys and ipods. Having traded face-to-face contact for the rush of online communication, technology speaks to, but never quite fulfills, a profound need for connection-in ways that are addictive, but not ultimately satisfying. Worse, utilising such technologies becomes a compulsive action, rather than a creative process-and the resultant stress is likely to impede the very multi-tasking and efficiency that the technology was meant to inspire. Gordhamer brings the wisdom of Eastern meditative practice to calm the frantic anxiety produced by our Western high-speed technoculture.

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