Woman Destroyed (Pantheon Modern Writers) by Simone de Beauvoir Paperback Book


Rent Woman Destroyed (Pantheon Modern Writers)

Author: Simone de Beauvoir


Publisher: Pantheon Books

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $17.00

Pages: 256


These three long stories draw us into the lives of three women, all past their first youth, all facing unexpected crises. In the title story, the heroine's serenity is shattered when she learns that her husband is having an affair. In 'The Age of Discretion,' a successful, happily married professor finds herself increasingly distressed by her son's absorption in his young wife and her worldly values. In 'The Monologue,' a rich, spoiled woman, home alone on New Year's Eve, pours out a lifetime's rage and frustration in a harrowing diatribe. Enthralling as fiction, suffused with de Beauvoir's remarkable insights into women, The Woman Destroyed gives us a legendary writer at her best.

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