You Are What You Eat: The Plan That Will Change Your Life by Gillian McKeith Paperback Book


Rent You Are What You Eat: The Plan That Will Change Your Life

Author: Gillian McKeith


Publisher: Plume Books

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Health & Fitness - Diets - Better Health

Retail Price: $20.00

Pages: 223


The #1 UK bestseller with over 2 million copies sold, with a TV show in development in the United States

First, Dr. Gillian McKeith turned Britain's worst eaters around with incredible results. Then, the internationally renowned nutritionist brought her groundbreaking plan to America, and not a minute too soon. You Are What You Eat brings together practical advice and real-life stories to create a diet makeover designed for everyone. You Are What You Eat includes:

• Dr. Gillian's "Diet of Abundance"
• A 7-Day startup plan
• The Food IQ Test and more!

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