Political Science - General

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Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those T...

Mona Charen

Mona Charen has a loyal following from her syndicated newspaper column (which runs in more than two hundred newspapers) and her many television and radio appearances. Her first book, Useful Idiots, was a six-week New York Times bestse...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Dec 2004

Dismantling the Empire: America's Las...

Chalmers Johnson

In his prophetic book Blowback, published before 9/11, Chalmers Johnson warned that our secret operations in Iraq and elsewhere around the globe would exact a price at home. Now, in a brilliant series of essays written over the last t...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2010

Hillary's America

Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller America, is back with this darkly entertaining deconstruction of Hillary Clinton's flawed character and ideology. From her Alinskyite past to her hopes for America's progressi...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jul 2016

The Disuniting of America: Reflection...

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr

The promise of America has always been that of a fresh economic start on equal footing. This is linked to the classic image of the republic as a melting pot, where differences of class, race, and religion are submerged in the pursuit ...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jan 2010

Fighting Terrorism

Benjamin Netanyahu

The leader of Israel's Likud party and an authority on international terrorism explains how the world's democracies can defend themselves against a rising tide of Islamic terrorism directed by Iran and its allies. National ad/pr...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Dec 2001

The Obama Leviathan: The Perversion o...

Dinesh D'Souza

Americans want a president who is a servant—not a monster. But unfortunately, a Hobbesian "leviathan" is exactly what we have, says bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza. In his blockbuster new book, The Obama Leviathan: The P...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2010

Political Brain: The Role of Emotion ...

Drew Westen

The Political Brain is a groundbreaking scientific investigation into how the mind and brain really work and what this means for why candidates win and lose elections. In politics, when reason and emotion collide, emotion inva...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2007

Children of Jihad: Journeys into the ...

Jared Cohen

Classrooms were never sufficient for Jared Cohen; he wanted to learn about global affairs by witnessing them firsthand. While studying on a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford, he took a crash course in Arabic, read voraciously on the histor...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2007

Never Trust a Liberal Over Three---Es...

Ann Coulter

You have NEVER seen Ann Coulter like this before! Coulter is uncensored, unapologetic, and unflinching in her ruthless mockery of liberals, sissies, morons, hypocrites, and all other species of politician.Coulter doesn't stop at the p...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2013

The Truth About Obamacare

Sally C. Pipes

Sally C. Pipes, an acknowledged expert on health care reform, reveals how, contrary to its promises, Obamacare will make health care more expensive, limit your options, lead to deteriorating medical care, and weaken America's already ...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2010

Descent into Chaos: The United States...

Ahmed Rashid

Ahmed Rashid is "Pakistan's best and bravest reporter" (Christopher Hitchens). His unique knowledge of this vast and complex region allows him a panoramic vision and nuance that no Western writer can emulate.His book Taliban...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jun 2008

Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam Is S...

Robert Spencer

New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer argues that the United States is being subjugated under Islamic law through initiatives designed to advance the jihadist agenda.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Dec 2008

The Politically Incorrect Guide to So...

Kevin Williamson

Since Obama took office, Americans have heard him accused of pursuing ''socialism,'' but most people don't know what that means; this book explains exactly what socialism is -- and is not. Liberals scoff when conservatives denounce O...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jan 2011

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His ...

Michelle Malkin

In her shocking new book, Malkin digs deep into the records of President Obama's staff, revealing corrupt dealings, questionable pasts, and abuses of power throughout his administration.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2009

Legacy of Ashes: The History of the C...

Tim Weiner

This is the book the CIA does not want you to read. For the last sixty years, the CIA has maintained a formidable reputation in spite of its terrible record, never disclosing its blunders to the American public. It spun its own truth ...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2007

Spycraft: The Secret History of the C...

Robert Wallace

An unprecedented history of the CIA's most secretive operations and the gadgets that made them possible.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jun 2008

The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left ...

Dinesh D'Souza

In this scathing indictment, conservative intellectual Dinesh D'Sousa accuses the American left of being largely to blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. D'Sousa argues that the American Left is anti-religionist and culturally offensi...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jan 2007

Makers and Takers: Why Conservatives ...

Peter Schweizer

The author of the New York Times bestseller Do as I Say (Not as I Do) expands his critique of modern liberalism in this hard-hitting look at the decline in character, values, and moral principles of self-described do-gooders.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jun 2008

Marx's Das Kapital: A Biography (Book...

Francis Wheen

* Mp3 CD Format *. In this brilliant book, Karl Marx biographer Francis Wheen tells the story of Das Kapital and Marxs twenty-year struggle to complete his unfinished masterpiece. Wheen shows that, far from being a dry economic treati...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Nov 2007

The Politically Incorrect Guide⢠t...

Martin Sieff

In this informative, iconoclastic book, veteran foreign correspondent Martin Sieff offers a jaw-dropping survey of the history and politics of a region that people know surprisingly little about--even though it's never off the front p...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Jan 2008

Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veteran...

John E. O'Neill

In their new book, Unfit For Command, O'Neill and coauthor Jerome Corsi bring together words of more than two hundred Navy veterans who served with Kerry and who feel it their duty to tell why John Kerry is unworthy of the presidency.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2004

America the Strong: Conservative Idea...

William J. Bennett

What is F.L.I.N.T.? It's what makes America strong.We live in a culture that often dismisses and ridicules conservative values. By the time liberal professors, the news media, and Hollywood get through with them, many young Americans ...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Sep 2015

Transforming Leadership

James McGregor Burns

Transforming Leadership focuses on the ways that leaders such as Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Gorbachev emerged from being ordinary 'transactional' deal makers to becoming dynamic agents of major social change who empower their foll...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Mar 2004

Our Patchwork Nation: The Surprising ...

Dante Chinni

Dante Chinni and James Gimpel offer a revolutionary new way to understand America's complex cultural and political landscape.

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Sep 2010

Fateful Triangle: The United States, ...

Noam Chomsky

From its establishment to the present day, Israel has enjoyed a special position in the American roster of international friends. In Fateful Triangle, Noam Chomsky explores the character and historical development of this special rela...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: May 2016

Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns...

Tom A. Coburn

Tom A. Coburn, a congressional maverick who kept his promise to serve three terms and then leave Washington, offers a candid look at the inner workings of Congress - why the system changes politicians instead of vice versa. Breach of ...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Aug 2015

The Anti-Chomsky Reader

Peter Collier

Noam Chomsky's defense of Pol Pot and the genocidal Khymer Rouge, as well as his bizarre associations with Holocaust revisionists, may surprise those who think they know what he believes. Other Chomsky views, such as his claim that th...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Dec 2007

The Roberts Court: The Struggle for t...

Marcia Coyle

[MP3-CD audiobook format in Vinyl case.] The Roberts court - seven years old, with a predominantly 5-4 conservative-liberal split - sits at the center of a constitutional maelstrom. Marcia Coyle, one of the most prestigious experts on...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: May 2013

The Federalist Papers: Selected Essay...

Alexander Hamilton

The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles, written between 1787 and 1788, advocating for the ratification of the United States Constitution. They serve as a primary source for interpretation of the Constitution, as they outlin...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2016

The American Way of War: Guided Missi...

Eugene Jarecki

In his famous farewell address in 1961, President Eisenhower urgently warned Americans to guard against the "disastrous rise of misplaced power" in the leviathan he dubbed the military-industrial complex. As Eugene Jarecki p...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Dec 2008
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