Burnt Offerings (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Book 7) by Laurell K. Hamilton Paperback Book


Rent Burnt Offerings (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Book 7)

Author: Laurell K. Hamilton

Format: Mass Market Paperback, Paperback

Publisher: Berkley Pub Group

Published: Sep 2002

Genre: Fiction - Horror - General

Retail Price: $8.99

Pages: 400


'You can't trust anyone who sleeps with monsters'. That's what Anita Blake had always believed. But now she was sharing a bed with the Master Vampire of the city. So when an arsonist began to target vampire victims, the creatures of the night turned to their former enemy. For now only 'The Executioner' could save them from the inferno.

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BookLender review by Sherry on 2008-06-30 13:23:14

I'm enjoying the Anita Blake series. I've read the descriptions of the future plots and I’m not sure I like where it’s going, but I’ll keep reading them, for now. I’m always curious when Anita sleeps or goes potty, and this one addressed a few hours of nap time. It seems that Anita gains a new power each book that allows her to foil the latest monsters. There won’t be many super old vampires left and maybe that’s Jean-Claude’s master plan. I was disappointed that Richard was so cruel.

BookLender review by Tracy on 2008-02-19 11:32:39

This is probably the last book of this series I would read. I have read them all and they were disappointments for me. In this one, Anita is still a character you like. In later novels in this series, she just seems like a conceited ****, as in having sex just to have it, with no benefit to the plotlines, such as they are in later books.

BookLender review by merri on 2007-06-13 23:42:18

an anita blake novel. since ive been reading them out of order, it was good to get more back story (well, back for me) on the whole warewolf part. very good book.