Fall On Your Knees (Oprah's Book Club) by Ann-Marie MacDonald Paperback Book


Rent Fall On Your Knees (Oprah's Book Club)

Author: Ann-Marie MacDonald

Format: Paperback, Abridged-CD

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Published: Jan 2002

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $19.00

Pages: 512


...Ann-Marie MacDonald writes of several generations of a Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia family in this resonant first novel....Ms. MacDonald skillfully shifts the story backward and forward in time, giving it a mythic quality that allows dark, half-buried secrets to be gracefully and chillingly revealed.

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BookLender review by Katrina on 2008-12-21 12:25:12

I found this to be an interesting novel. The author did a good job of showing people as sympathetic from one characters perspective, and as truly flawed or even evil from another person's perspective. I thought that most of the story was good, though some of the relationships and plot twists were a bit unrealistic for me. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this book and recommend it.

BookLender review by Jeanne on 2008-12-05 11:15:23

Although I think Oprah chose the wrong book--I preferred MacDonald's novel As the Crow Flies--this is also a book to savor. The author writes beautifully, never more so that when she deals skillfully with tragedy her characters will stay with you. Not a quick read, the novel will repay your time by involving you in lives that seem real.

BookLender review by Andrew on 2008-01-30 03:18:03

I've put this title down half way through the book. I am grieved to say that this book is devoid of both plot, and the kind of staying power needed to capture and retain the reader's interest. While I applaud Ann-Amarie MacDonald for weaving a story some think worthy enough to be published for the masses, I have often wasted my time on sagas, only to be disappointed in the end with some under-developed climax that leaves me wondering why I spent the last two weeks giving the author the benefit of the doubt. Not this time Ann-Marie. Not this time. I will be returning this book with all haste. A one star rating is more than merciful.

BookLender review by Sandra on 2008-01-24 13:26:07

Tough to get into this book with the author's style of writing. There is a good story there if you can keep at it. So much of it was easiest to just skim read in order to get to the real story and not just details on the characters.